ACHIEVE Innovations, LLC
Through research, education, and innovation we offer solutions in healthcare and education that improve the health, wellbeing, and lived realities of the systemically under-resourced, with an emphasis on improved access to healthcare, early detection and prevention, and holistic wellbeing.

Justice and Equity
We believe that a world in which everyone gets what they need to thrive, where resources are distributed equitably and all people are treated with compassion and dignity leads to better health and wellbeing for all. We are committed to work that brings us closer to this vision.

Honesty and Integrity
We conduct ourselves and our projects with transparency and a bias towards sharing information and skills rather than protecting intellectual property. We hold the highest standards of integrity and apply our justice and equity lens to all aspects of our business. We welcome constructive criticism and respond promptly when we err, taking responsibility for our mistakes.

Growth Mindset
We believe everyone can grow and improve and everyone can help others to grow and improve. We’re committed to education as a lifelong pursuit and a key to increasing wellbeing, liberation and development for all people, including ourselves.

Diversity in Leadership
We are committed to increasing the diversity of leadership in healthcare and education, including leadership by young people, people with disabilities and all groups who are silenced or sidelined. As a business, we see ourselves as change agents or even change warriors.